correct or not to gossip, the only time the goods that they know or the creator of the gossip. If there is a video nasty Guritno Wulan and Ananda Mikola in the tell nasty scene. Have previously also gossip about it's circulating photo hot Pevita E Pearce, photo hot widi VIERRA and also kissing hot Dewi Persik and Aldi in public places. Which in reality is not necessarily the truth can be established.
This directly be debated his mother Sherina, Luki Ariani. When reporters contacted by phone, he stressed that the information circulating is not correct, and only those works purely fraudulent.
"It does not get. Genesis is not there," he said.
In addition to circulating gossip about Sherina raped, in some blogs are also circulating a photo that shows Sherina Munaf smoking, and according to a newspaper circulating in the blog is concerned that the cigarettes in Shisha suck. Really or not it's images Sherina Munaf are shisa suck? Here is an image that looks Sherina Munaf suck cigarettes are saying is that Shisha.

Foto Sherina Munaf Merokok??
Profile Sherina Munaf
Sinna Sherina Munaf was born in Bandung, West Java, June 11, 1990. He is a singer who began to fame Indonesia in 1999. Sherina is the second child of three brothers Munaf and Triawan couples Luki Ariani. Sherina is a graduate of the British
In the year 2008, besides making music for the film 'Laskar Pelangi' and 'Ayat-ayat Cinta', Sherina was appointed as an icon Grand Indonesia Shopping Town.
Sherina first appeared in 1999 with the album Andai Aku Besar Nanti. Sherina also first appeared on the big screen in 2001 via 'Petualangan Sherina' with Derby Romero and Butet Kertaradjasa. In addition, Sherina with some of his colleagues such as Maisy, Saskia, Geofany, Joshua and Kenny played in OperetBobo titled Misteri Naga Ungu. Not only that, Sherina appeared with Westlife, British band sang 'I Have A Dream'
In early 2007, Sherina (at age 16 years) released a new album titled "Primadona". Nephew of senior Indonesian singer, Fariz Rustam Munaf, it appears with the kind of songs that are very different from when she was little. In this year, Sherina was appointed as an icon Panasonic replaces Dian Sastrowardoyo.
In early 2007, Sherina (at age 16 years) released a new album titled "Primadona". Nephew of senior Indonesian singer, Fariz Rustam Munaf, it appears with the kind of songs that are very different from when she was little. In this year, Sherina was appointed as an icon Panasonic replaces Dian Sastrowardoyo.
In the year 2008, besides making music for the film 'Laskar Pelangi' and 'Ayat-ayat Cinta', Sherina was appointed as an icon Grand Indonesia Shopping Town.

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